Boise Hard Money Lender

In the Boise real estate market, grabbing properties before your competition is essential for making the best deals. Although real estate investors sometimes go the traditional route and seek bank loans, the process is anything but speedy.

When time is of the essence, waiting for the lengthy process of getting approval is not an option for most investors. Boise hard money lenders specialize in providing hard money loans which provide quick funds to investors. These loans are for a non owner occupied property or in some cases for business purpose loans.

Boise Hard Money Lender FAQ’S

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions we get regarding hard money loans and lenders in Boise.

What Do Boise Hard Money Lenders Specialize in?

Boise hard money lenders specialize in providing short-term, creative financing for real estate investors. If you seek a conventional lender to purchase an investment property, your loan request will be based on the property’s value and your assets. Your credit score, job, and finances will be scrutinized intensely.  Hard money lenders base their final loan decisions on the after-repair value. The ARV represents the potential value of a property after all repairs have been accomplished.

What are the Benefits of Boise Hard Money Loans?

Boise hard money loans offer advantages that traditional banks cannot. Lenders like Acamnet Financial offer a higher level of flexibility than banks.  When qualifying for this type of loan, lenders do not delve too deeply into the finances of real estate investors. In most cases, simply present the property and your plans, which saves you the hassle of gathering countless financial documents.

Do Boise Hard Money Lenders Look at my Credit Score?

One of the greatest benefits of working with Boise hard money lenders is the lack of credit score requirements. One of the first things a bank does is check your credit score.  You can get approved for a hard money loan in Boise even if you have bad credit or poor credit, bankruptcies, and foreclosures in the past. Boise Hard money lenders primarily care about the property you are purchasing.

What is the Interest Rate & Points for Hard Money Loans in Boise?

Interest rates for hard money loans in Boise are typically higher than traditional bank loans (conventional loans) because of the greater risk lenders must take on when approving loans. When searching for a hard money lender near me in Boise, you will find average interest rate is between 8%-15%.  You should also be aware that lenders sometimes charge points that are meant to offset their administrative costs. Each point represents 1% of the total loan amount.  The average points lenders charge is between 1 to 3. Some lenders may charge up to 10 points. These points are due upfront or at closing, depending on the lender.

What Should I Look for in a Boise Hard Money Lender?

There are many benefits to working with a Boise hard money lender.  You just need to make sure you are working with the right lender.  You can rely on Acamnet Financial Group when you need us most.  We offer reliability, consistency, experience, and support.  As a real estate investor, you know the importance of grabbing the best property deals when they become available.

How can Hard Money Lenders in Boise Help Me?

Whether you are new to real estate and real estate projects or an old pro, you know having the capital to purchase real estate is essential. Without funds, you will miss out on real estate transactions.  When you partner with hard money lenders in Boise, you will quickly get the money you need without jumping through the hoops of traditional bank lenders.

How do I get a Hard Money Loan in Boise?

When you want a hard money loan in Boise, begin by preparing the property information. Location, size, purchase price, after repair value, repair costs, etc.  In most cases, the financing will be based on these numbers.  Then, apply for a hard money loan in Boise using this information and supply some financial information.  Then, an appraisal will be ordered to assess the loan-to-value ratio, which will influence the loan amount.

How do I Refinance a Boise Hard Money Loan?

Refinance a Boise hard money loan will involve moving from a high interest, short term loan to a longer term, usually lower interest rate loan. Typically a conventional type of loan.  When refinancing a Boise hard money loan you will find it will have a more stringent set of guidelines.  You will need to have sufficient credit and income qualifications.  As the lending landscaping and regulations constantly change, you want to consult a knowledgeable conventional loan expert.

Here’s other cites we can help with in Idaho: Idaho hard money lender

Current Real Estate Trends In Boise (2024)

The real estate market in Boise, Idaho has recently seen a strong seller’s market with scarce housing supply and increased demand. Prices have gone up substantially, especially in Ada County where they have increased by 11% since the start of the year. Canyon County has seen a smaller rise of 3%.

Fewer homes on the market have created a competitive atmosphere, particularly in sought-after neighborhoods. Despite some lower demand, the market remains strong.

Reasons for this limited housing availability include the smallest number of homes for sale in August over the past decade (excluding 2020-2021), as well as a drop in newly listed homes compared to the previous year. Mortgage rates have fluctuated between 6% and 7% in 2023, leaving buyers with less money to work with. Builders are using strategies such as interest-rate buydowns to bring in potential purchasers.

The current real estate trends in Boise present difficulties for buyers due to high prices and limited inventory.

Housing Market Performance

Boise, Idaho’s housing market has experienced a spike in prices due to limited availability and high demand, making it a tough market for buyers.

Ada County’s housing prices have grown 11% since the start of the year, while Canyon County has seen a more moderate growth of 3%.

The scarcity of homes has caused prices to skyrocket, particularly in sought-after neighborhoods.

This high demand and limited supply will be discussed further in a later section about inventory and pricing.

Inventory and Prices

The Boise real estate market has been in a state of flux lately, with housing prices on the rise. Ada County saw an 11% increase, while Canyon County experienced a more modest 3%. Low inventory has been a major factor in this, with fewer homes for sale and buyers closely monitoring market trends.

The competitive market environment has made buyers more cautious, as they weigh their options and navigate the process carefully. This scarcity of available homes has pushed prices up, leaving buyers with fewer options and more expenses.

Though the situation in Boise appears to be a difficult one, market shifts and buyer behavior could lead to positive developments. With fewer homes on the market, buyers may be able to find the perfect house for a reasonable price. Additionally, the real estate market could see an influx of new listings, leading to more options for buyers.

It remains to be seen how the Boise real estate market will evolve in the coming months. By staying informed and taking advantage of current market trends, buyers may be able to find the perfect house for their needs.

Buyer Behavior and Market Shifts

The Boise housing market is a dynamic landscape, and buyer behavior is being influenced by the ever-changing market dynamics.

Prospective buyers are watching the market closely and acting with caution.

Though demand is not as high as in previous years, the market has shifted in favor of sellers, creating a competitive environment.

Open house and property showings have been well-attended, showing there is still an interest in buying property.

Should buyers decide to enter the market, prices could potentially rise further.


All About Boise

Boise, the capital city of Idaho, is a lively and livable city with something for everyone. Its history is rich, and its arts and cultural scene is thriving.

You won’t be bored in this lively city with its strong sense of community and its vast array of attractions. As you wander the downtown area, take a journey through its past, or take advantage of the many outdoor activities, Boise will have you wanting more.

The city is on the cutting edge of sustainability and urban development, and it shows – in fact, it’s often ranked as one of the best places to live.

Downtown and Cultural Center

As you wander through the vibrant streets of downtown Boise, you’ll be surrounded by towering high-rises, bustling shops, and delicious smells coming from the various restaurants. Downtown Boise is a true cultural hub, packed with attractions and activities that both locals and visitors can enjoy.

Stroll down the 8th Street pedestrian zone, explore the Basque Block for some insight into Boise’s Basque roots, or take in all the artwork at the Boise Art Museum – the possibilities are endless.

The downtown area is also home to some of the city’s key attractions. Admire the impressive Idaho State Capitol, catch a show at the iconic Egyptian Theatre, or appreciate the works of local and international artists at the Boise Art Museum. Nature lovers, don’t miss Zoo Boise, where you can see a variety of animals and learn about wildlife conservation.

History and Origin

Explore the fascinating history and mysterious origins of Boise, a vibrant city where cultural heritage blends with tales from the past.

Featuring high-rise buildings, bustling shops, and diverse restaurants, the city has a captivating story that goes back many years. The exact origin of the name Boise is uncertain, but some believe it could be derived from the French phrase ‘Les bois!’ which translates to ‘the trees!’ This is befitting as Boise sits atop the Boise River Valley, which was named ‘la rivière boisée’ by French Canadian fur trappers.

Before settlers arrived, the Boise Valley was home to the Boise Valley Shoshone and Bannock tribes. They flourished in this area, engaging in trading rendezvous, fishing for salmon in the Boise River, and even wintering in the valley to visit hot springs. Castle Rock, known as Eagle Rock, was a sacred site for the tribes. It was here that Shoshone leader Peiem first encountered white trappers in the Snake Country.

One finds the interactions between Native Americans and settlers that molded the region. From their first encounters to the conflicts along the Oregon Trail, these stories form the foundation of understanding Boise’s past.

Pre-contact and Native Interactions

Prior to the arrival of settlers, the Boise Valley was inhabited by the Boise Valley Shoshone and Bannock tribes. These Native American tribes flourished in the valley, engaging in activities such as trading, fishing, and winter visits to hot springs.

The Boise River was a great source of food for the tribes, and they also had a special site known as Castle Rock, or Eagle Rock, which had great spiritual significance.

The tribes would take part in trading rendezvous, exchanging goods and resources with other tribes and travelers. The Boise River, with its abundant wildlife and good land, drew in traders and travelers.

The Native American tribes also went salmon fishing in the Boise River, which was a major food source. During the winter, they utilized the hot springs for warmth and relaxation.

Interactions between the Native American tribes and the Boise Valley set the stage for later conflicts and tensions with the arrival of settlers. The settlers’ coming to the region caused disruption to the way of life for the Native American tribes and initiated a period of conflict and upheaval.

As settlers started to move into the Boise Valley, tensions between the Native peoples and settlers on the Oregon Trail heightened, leading to more conflicts and difficulties.

Settler Incursions and Conflicts

When settlers started to move into the Boise Valley, conflicts between the Indigenous tribes and the new arrivals became more frequent, disrupting the peace of the area. Gold miners from California and those claiming land under the Donation Land Claim Act, pushed further into the valley, provoking small skirmishes from the local tribes in opposition to the incursion of their ancestral lands and the destruction of their way of life.

One of the most famous events of this period was the Ward Massacre, which happened in the Boise Valley and caused the death of some of Alexander Ward’s caravan. The US Army responded to these attacks by increasing their presence in the region, intensifying the tension between settlers and Native Americans on the Oregon Trail.

These quarrels and clashes between settlers and Indigenous people caused a lot of controversy over the ownership of land and resources in the Boise Valley. Despite the negotiations of the Treaty of Fort Boise between Caleb Lyon and the Boise Valley Shoshone Tribe, which required the tribe to give up some land along the Boise River, the treaty was never ratified by the US Senate. This created even more violence against the native tribes and further increased the ill feeling between settlers and Native Americans in the region.

Economic and Cultural Development

Boise has become an economic and cultural powerhouse, providing a livable and vibrant environment for its citizens. Technology, agriculture, and healthcare are all major industries in the city, with companies such as Micron Technology and HP having a notable presence. Agriculture is key to the area, with Boise being known for its potato production and other agricultural products. The healthcare sector is also a major contributor to economic growth, with many hospitals and medical facilities providing high-quality care.

The city is also home to the Boise Art Museum, which displays a wide variety of artworks and pieces. Boise State University also contributes to the city’s cultural landscape, offering plenty of education and research opportunities. On top of this, there are numerous annual events that celebrate the city’s culture. Examples include the Treefort Music Fest, which attracts local and national artists, and the Boise River Festival, which celebrates the city’s natural beauty and recreational opportunities.

Boise is not only home to economic and cultural success, but also a strong sense of community. The city’s quality of life is consistently ranked highly due to the implementation of sustainable initiatives and abundance of green spaces. Urban development projects are continuously enhancing the city’s livability, making Boise a great place to live, work, and visit.